Satoyama (a Wooded Area) In Fukuoka

Let's find out our way of living together green spaces through preservation and cleaning them up to make ourselves healthy.

At my Satoyama in Fukuoka, Japan


This is my Satoyama. It is 1206 square meters. It had been a field in which my grandparents and relatives had cultivated watermelons and vegetables and so on before the World War 2. But this land was wasted after the end of the war for seventy years.

I inherited it from my mother in the end of 2022. Hereafter I study, cherish and preserve it. It is interesting to observe how succession proceed on a left field in temperate zone (middle Fukuoka).

Because someone will do something good to others, it does not follow that something infallibly leads a good result or influence to them. Some living things may take my conducts as kindness and others only as bothersome annoyances. I want to be cautioning myself against self-righteousness.

This website is always under construcion as long as I live. It is made with Vim on FreeBSD/amd64.


1. I cut living plants as possibly little as I can.

2. Fallen leaves and dead plants are kept there. Decomposers will not have their work taken away.

3. Dead trees, dead parts of bamboo and bamboo grass are cutted down.

4. Any unlawfully dumped garbage will be removed.

north edge of the satoyama

There were so many dead bamboo grass that one could not walk into the north part. Tree crown was covered with climbing plants and dead bamboo grass occupied the space, trees were thin, short and week.

young camphor trees

a wild tea tree (Camellia sinensis)

It is said that Japanese Buddhist Eisai took seeds of tea tree back from China and began to cultivate them in the northern part of Kyushu in 1191. Those tea trees have gone wild and spreaded, so we often see them in bushes of Kyushu.

a fallen tree

Fallen trees are the living places of ants, young stag beetles, centipedes and so on. They come from the ground, give nidus to many creatures and return to the earth.

An entirely wasted field

When I began to preserve this satoyama, the northern half of it was totally like this. It was so difficult to walk into this devastative field which had been abandoned for several decades.

clibming plants

There are many kinds of climbing plants. Some of them are harmless for trees because they only climb the objects up and do not cover the tree crown. Sanekazura ( Kadsura japonica ) twist the objects around and tighten them up strongly and cover other plants' crown. As a result trees and bamboo weaken, die and biodiversity of the field will be threatened.

climbing plants


a giant camphor tree and bamboo


Tsutsumi, Toshio. 1989. Forest Life. Tokyo: CHUOKORON-SHINSHA, Inc.

Shidei, Tsunahide. 1999. Japanese Forest. Tokyo: CHUOKORON-SHINSHA, Inc.

Fukuda, Kenji. 2021. An Introduction to Tree Medicine. Tokyo: Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd.



Name: Nagatoshi Masanori

Date of Birth: 9th May 1971

Birthplace: Fukuoka City

Education: Bachelor of Arts, KINKI UNIVERSITY, Osaka (2001)